Off To Pakistan 1:52 PM

The day was cool and cloudy.  Drizzle threatened throughout the morning.  So much for the warm and sunny day that was promised which would have allowed us to wear our sandals and spring clothes.  Instead, we bundled into pants and warm shirts and headed to Pakistan. 
Okay, we didn't actually go to Pakistan, but we did attend a wonderful play for families about Pakistan, the kite festival that they have every year, and the culture at large. 
Kites decorated the walls of the theater.  Two musicians took their place on the far right side of the stage.  The light dimmed and... we entered Lahore. 
Through music, song, and dance, the actors gave us a wonderful presentation of the life of a young boy in Pakistan.  The boy wanted to participate in the kite festival.  His father wouldn't let him because there are things more important than flying kites.  For an hour, the boy attempted to figure out how to buy and then build a kite.  With the help of two princes, a parrot, his grandmother, a kite seller, and a woman in the bizarre, the story unfolded with a wonderfully happy ending. 
The Lass loved the dancing.  I loved the parrot myself.  WE both enjoyed the different style of theater presented in this performance. 
At the end, the cast took their bows.  As the audience clapped, the men on stage set a different rhythm and the dancing began.  Thus, the show ended with dancing and celebrating.  I loved that. 
We enjoyed our brief trip to Pakistan.  After leaving the music and dancing, we ventured back out into the gray day to make our way home.  But still, a bit of Pakistan remained with us, lightening our steps as we moved down the streets. 

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