Hang Gliding 5:31 PM

Papers signed, Nonna and I dropped papa and the Lass at the shop for Flight School. All nerves seemed to have vanished as the Lass and Papa began their hang gliding adventure. While Nonna and I checked into the hotel and found a place for dinner, the two flyers learned the mechanics of their kites.
Nonna and I returned just in time to journey to the dunes with the flyers to watch and take part in the hang gliding experience. While Nonna waited in the shade, I ventured out to the dunes with papa and the lass. Given I could not participate, I wanted to be as close as possible to the action.
The hot white sands challenged us as we walked out to the dune. Heat poured for the bright sun in the clear blue sky. Although the winds kept the gliding to a minimum, I found myself feeling very thankful for them as they provided a bit of refreshment on such a hot day.
The Lass took her place beneath the kite and flew. No hesitation, no nerves, just excitement and pure joy. She laughed as she raced the instructors back up the dune time after time. She played several games on her flights and landed well each time.

She loved the experience, as did I. It is a wonderful feeling to watch her overcome her nerves to try something new. To focus, to learn, and then to take that leap trusting herself and those around her. My heart took flight and soared with her each flight. (And I have loads of pictures to prove it)

it was wonderful to see the Lass fly. She intends to do it again, but perhaps the hit of the day was Papa taking his turn and flying off the dune.
Papa proved that age doesn't matter when it comes to trying something new and taking flight. He didn't exactly race up the dunes as the Lass did, and the sand did prove to be quite the challenge as did the heat. But Papa flew. papa flew five times. he learned to focus and to relax. he learned to land the kite. He demonstrated to everyone on that dune that there is such a thing as a 61 year old kid!!
I loved the experience. My daughter testing herself and trying something new... my dad doing the same as well as showing my daughter that she will never be too old to try and to have fun. They both anticipate flying again, perhaps this time when it is a bit cooler!
Now Papa and the Lass have something beyond rock climbing, they hang glide. These two adventurers always seem to have a great time together... which leaves me wondering just what they will try next? perhaps a glider?

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