And the Winner Is... 11:56 AM

The Lass got off the bus yesterday, so excited. 
Guess who won a walking award?
I smiled.  I knew that she had been recognized for the 150 miles she walked in 9 weeks, but I hadn't told her that she would be recognized. 
I did!!  She proudly announced.  She took her prize and her certificate from her bag to show me.  She didn't just win recognition, she won for her age group!
A lot of hard work and a lot of miles clocked, the Lass did a wonderful job!  (And she looked cute when she went up to accept her award too)
The best part, she didn't expect to win anything.  She had heard that another kid walked close to 200 miles.  So, her hopes of winning had vanished.  She was already planning our strategy for next year, and we were simply happy to have met our own goal of 150 miles. 
Thus, when they called her name... she was thrilled!
What a way to end second grade!
"Next year, we have to walk 150 miles... at least!"  she told me as we started our walk to ballet. 
*sigh* I need to find us some new walking adventures!

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